Category: Higher Education

College Professor, University Staff Member
Mar 20, 2024
Benefits in Higher Education Employment: A Guide to Maximizing Your Career Satisfaction

In today’s competitive job market, securing employment in higher education is a significant achievement. However, beyond the prestige of working in academia, professionals are increasingly recognizing the importance of a comprehensive benefits package to ensure long-term career satisfaction and well-being. While salary negotiations often take center stage, the benefits offered by higher education institutions can […]

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Addressing Pay Compression Amid Minimum Wage Hikes: An HR Guide
Jan 12, 2022
How the Higher Education Market Is Changing from Static to Dynamic

Changing markets drive businesses to improve their product and service offerings, with customer satisfaction being the ultimate goal. However, for decades now, higher education has remained static, typically serving a fixed product to an unchanging market. No thorough review has been conducted to assess the state of higher education, the curriculum and programs offered, and […]

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Higher Education Pay Guidance under the Fair Labor Standards Act
Oct 20, 2021
Higher Education Pay Guidance under the Fair Labor Standards Act

Over the years, higher education organizations have had to restructure their compensation schemes multiple times to comply with changes in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) enforces this law, which determines federal minimum wage and overtime pay thresholds. Also, the FLSA classifies employees as either exempt or non-exempt from […]

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Managing Executive Feedback in Higher Education
May 27, 2021
Managing Executive Feedback in Higher Education

Tips for handling feedback for campus administrators and leaders One of higher education’s most serious recurring problems is the evaluation of campus leaders.  Part of this issue can be attributed to the significant periods of time between evaluations.  When leaders are allowed to operate for too long without oversight, institutions often discover a lack of […]

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house democrats unveil new $39B relief bill
Nov 26, 2020
House Democrats Debate New $39B Relief Bill for Higher Ed

The 2020 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on America’s higher education system as House Democrats unveil a new $39B relief bill. Congress was able to pass a similar plan back in May with nearly as much funding. While Democrats likely have the votes to approve the bill in the House of Representatives, the Republican-controlled […]

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How College Educators Perceive a Post-Pandemic World
Jul 23, 2020
How College Educators Perceive a Post-Pandemic World

The COVID- 19 pandemic has disrupted the way we access education. Overnight, students and educators have had to shift to online learning. Educators particularly have experienced the brunt of this shift, often having to innovate on their own, unless their institution has invested in the requisite technology to facilitate online classes. Online Study No Match […]

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College Faculty Support During COVID-19
Jun 04, 2020
How Colleges Can Maintain the Well-Being of Faculty During the Pandemic

Since COVID- 19, we’ve been finding new ways to get our work done while keeping safety in mind. The same is true for educational institutions around the globe. Colleges have quickly adapted to online teaching methods, so the students do not fall behind on their education. However, it might not be as easy for the […]

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Jun 02, 2020
Staff Workforce Standards in Higher Education

Colleges everywhere are faced with the challenges of declining enrollment while continuing to effectively provide services. Non-instructional staff is an integral part of their mission and it is important to ensure that the composition of the staff workforce will continue to support the success of the college. Benchmark comparisons with other institutions can help with […]

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May 28, 2020
How COVID- 19 is Affecting Colleges and Universities

COVID- 19 has become a global pandemic, so people are practicing some preventive measures to protect themselves from contracting the disease. One of the important preventative measures is social distancing, where people have to stay away from each other and not come into proximity. Coronavirus Impact on Colleges and Universities Colleges and universities are opting […]

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small college
May 26, 2020
Tips to Help Small-College Leaders Foster Community During COVID-19

COVID-19 has severely affected the whole world. As positive cases and deaths are being reported every day, small-college leaders must take on the responsibility to foster community amid this pandemic. However, due to strict social distancing guidelines, regular face-to-face teaching and learning have moved online. Is it still possible to keep that sense of community? […]

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